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Alternative Dispute Resolution: Associations, Organizations, and Other Resources

This Research Guide provides information about and links to the Marvin & Virginia Schmid Law Library's most popular and most-cited alternative dispute resolution resources. Topics covered: ADR, arbitration, mediation, and negotiations.


This section offers a bibliography of recent scholarship in the area of dispute resolution, detailing books and articles written on the subject. It also contains a searchable database that provides access to the National Clearinghouse for Mediator Ethics Opinions. Latest news and upcoming presentations are also featured.

The NMA is a non-profit membership association that aims to provide information on mediation and establish a network for locating and training mediators. NMA supports and provides training and educational opportunities for all mediators in the State of Nebraska. Similarly, through their network, NMA provides links and resources. 


Created as part of the 1991 Dispute Resolution Act, the ODR partners with the six non-profit ODR-Approved Mediation Centers in Nebraska and the Douglas County District Court Conciliation and Mediation Office to serve Nebraska’s 93 counties. The Supreme Court appoints the members of the Dispute Resolution Advisory Council which oversee the activities of the Office. This resource provides information on mediation for the public, as well as information to judges and court staff. the website provides and overview of services. ODR also highlights training opportunities to become a mediator and for Nebraska mediators. 

The NMC is a private, nonprofit organization that serves 24 counties in northeast and north-central Nebraska and four tribal nations. They provide mediation, restorative justice, and facilitation services. There are also training opportunities available for Nebraska mediators. The Mediation Center in Lincoln provides meditation services to all individuals located in Lancaster County, regardless of one's ability to pay.

Other Resources

Below is a list of online resources that relate to alternative dispute resolution and provide a variety of resources and support material. The blogs listed can often serve as an excellent resource for those interested in keeping current in the field of alternative dispute resolution. 

  • ADR Times

    Posts cover of a variety of dispute resolution methods and what is currently happening at the ADR Times. 

  • ADR Toolbox

    Posts consist of links to other blogs' posts and news sources relating to alternative dispute resolution.

  • Indisputably

Posts consist of current commentary among law professors in ADR and other law faculty.  

Posts provide original insight and commentary around issues related to arbitration, mediation, and the alternative dispute resolution industry.

A university consortium dedicated to developing the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution.

Other Research Guides

Discusses materials and methods for researching ADR methodologies and practices.

Provides more resources on arbitration, mediation, and other dispute resolution techniques, including key arbitration decisions.