Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to a variety of methods that help parties resolve disputes by means other than litigation or trial. These methods include negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, among others.
Each method of dispute resolution is governed by its own rules. These rules exist at the federal, state, and local levels. Private agencies also promulgate rules. It is incumbent upon the student or practitioner to identify the rules that apply to their proceeding or case, whether it be an arbitration, mediation, negotiation, or another method of alternative dispute resolution.
Examples of pertinent rules and statutes include the following:
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Guide provides information about, and where possible, links to, the most popular and most-cited dispute resolution resources that Nebraska students, faculty, attorneys, and patrons have access to through the Marvin & Virginia Schmid Law Library. This research guide will assist in researching different areas associated with the broad field of ADR. It will highlight specific resources and give you starting points to begin your research. In addition, it will lead you to resources that help dig deeper into specific areas within ADR and develop a better understanding generally. The research guide is organized primarily by format, with each format tab containing items divided by topic. The "Print Resources" tab, for example, contains resources in both print and electronic, with separate pages on ADR generally, arbitration, mediation, and negotiations.
Importantly, this LibGuide is not intended to be exhaustive and will not include resources within all the subject areas of ADR. The Schmid Law Library has an extensive collection on Alternative Dispute Resolution that can be searched through the library's online catalog. If you need more assistance with your research, please contact a reference librarian at:
Nebraska Law offers several courses in ADR, such as Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Advocacy in Mediation, Family Mediation, Arbitration, and Negotiations.
These courses are taught primarily by Henry M. Grether, Jr., Professor of Law, Kristen Blankley.