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Alternative Dispute Resolution: Arbitration

This Research Guide provides information about and links to the Marvin & Virginia Schmid Law Library's most popular and most-cited alternative dispute resolution resources. Topics covered: ADR, arbitration, mediation, and negotiations.

About This Page

The following print resources relate to arbitration. Resources located in the library include basic descriptions, call numbers, and are hyperlinked to the full Schmid Law Library catalog record for the item. Titles located in major databases also include basic descriptions and hyperlinks. 

For print resources that address ADR generally, mediation, or negotiation, please refer to the following pages:

Library Books


Bloomberg Law

A comprehensive treatise on how labor arbitration works. It includes all major developments of interest to labor relations practitioners and expanding coverage. It also contains citations to more than 14,000 arbitration awards and more than 3,800 important judicial and administrative decisions, as well as references to academic and professional commentary, administrative agency regulations and opinions, and federal and state legislation.

Contains arbitration awards in both labor and employment resources near the bottom of the page. 


AAA Employment Arbitration Awards coverage available from 1999 through current, whereas AAA Labor Arbitration Awards coverage is available from 2003 through current. 

Includes resources on arbitration from the employment sector. Resources include clause drafting, electronic discovery in employment litigation, statutes of limitation charts, and more. 

Chapter 16 focuses on Alternative Dispute Resolution within the employment sector in Nebraska, primarily mediation and arbitration. This publication is also available in print at the Schmid Law Library's circulation desk.


This handbook discusses and defines arbitration, reviews modern arbitration statutes, examines agreements, and analyzes all the procedures necessary for successful construction arbitration. The handbook includes case summaries text of the Arbitration Act, industry rules, drafting suggestions for arbitration agreements, discussion of awards enforceability, attacking an award, judicial attitudes toward arbitration, and choosing an arbitrator, samples of typical contracts pertaining to construction arbitration, and examination of petitions and applications of awards. 

Commercial Arbitration, 3d is a comprehensive, plain-English guide for attorneys, arbitrators, judges, or mediators involved in routine or complex high-stakes arbitration (both domestic and international) in the United States.

Also available in print on the second floor of the Schmid Law Library, Call Number: KF 9085 .D6 2003. 

Current publication but contains limited coverage from 1900 through 1985 and full coverage from 1986 to the present. The CCH Labor Arbitration Awards is published by CCH in a loose-leaf print volume and is also, with limited coverage, available on the second floor of the Schmid Law Library, Call Number: KF3421 .A2C6.