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Book Club

Information and Reading Lists for book club meetings.


The Desk Set (1957) Katherine Hepburn. Wonderful view of the future of libraries.

Ex Libris: The New York Public Library (2017). An amazing documentary about the NYPL. Little dialogue or script, it is a compelling movie. 97% on Rotten Tomatoes! 3 hours and 26 minutes, but absolutely compelling.


The Library Book (2018), by Susan Orlean. Wonderful history of one of the great libraries in the country.


The Library of Babel, Jorge Luis Borges (1941). Bizarre book about a library with every book past, present and future. Someone has taken the book to a whole new level:

The Book of Imaginary Beings, Jorge Luis Borges (1957). More of a literary zoo than a library. But fascinating. Link is to an illustrated version.


The Library; An Unquiet History (2003) Matthew Battles.