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Book Club

Information and Reading Lists for book club meetings.

Reading List

Can't get enough of Sherlock, Dr. Watson, Mycroft, and Moriarity? Join Sandy Placzek for a discussion of  different series based on the Sherlock Holmes canon.

Timely, interesting article by Alison Flood published on February 4th in the Guardian newspaper: "'I think I've written more Sherlock Holmes than even Conan Doyle': the ongoing fight to reimagine Holmes".

Kareem Adbul Jabbar & Anna Waterhouse: Mycroft Holmes

In this 3 book series, Mycroft Holmes navigates through some puzzling and intense situations with the aid of his good friend, Cyrus Douglas. An interesting portrayal of Sherlock, a host of intriguing characters, and an wonderful portrayal of mid to late 19th Century England provide engaging reads. Mycroft Holmes (image above) is the first in the series; the others include  Mycroft & Sherlock and Mycroft & Sherlock: the Empty Birdcage. It's best to read this series in order.

For more information about this series, click on the blue text above to link to the publisher's Mycroft Holmes page.

Laurie R. King: Mary Russell

It's 1915. Mary Russell lost both her parents and her brother in a car accident, and is living in Sussex, England with an Aunt. Walking in the Downs, she meets Sherlock Holmes and thus begins an engaging series full of intrigue, unusual locales, and enchanting characters. If you love history, well developed characters, and well layered plots, this series is for you. The Beekeeper's Apprentice (image above) is the first in the series; the most recent is Riviera Gold. Although it is not necessary to read the series in order as each book stands on it's own, the books are chronological and reading them in order is helpful.

For more information about Laurie R. King and the Mary Russell series, click on the blue text above to link to Laurie R. King's webpage.

Leonard Goldberg: Joanna Blalock

It's 1914 and Sherlock Holmes' widowed daughter is marrying Dr. John Watson's son. Showing the keen eye and analytical mind of her legendary father, Joanna and Watson Sr. & Jr. work to solve seemingly unsolvable mysteries. The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes (image above) is the first in the series; the most recent is The Art of Deception is the most recent in the series. Although it is not necessary to read the series in order, reading them in order is helpful.

For more information about Leonard Goldberg and the Daughter of Sherlock Holmes series, click on the blue text above to link to Leonard Goldberg's webpage.

Michael Kurland: Professor Moriarity

Sherlock Holmes the out of control "bad guy"? In an interesting twist, Michael Kurland portrays Professor Moriarity as the true criminal solving genius in this no longer being published series. The Infernal Device (image above) is the first in the series. Although it is not necessary to read the series in order, reading them in order is helpful.

Bonnie MacBird: Sherlock Holmes

Using lost story manuscripts from Dr. Watson as the basis for her series, Bonnie MacBird's series is wicked good. Holmes and Watson are on the trail of new adventures and MacBird's tone is spot on for fans of Conan Doyle. Art in the Blood (image above) is the first in the series, and it is helpful but not necessary to read the books in order.

For more information about Bonnie MacBird and her series, click on the blue text above to link to Bonnie MacBird's webpage.

Sherry Thomas: Charlotte Holmes

Victorian England. Charlotte Holmes, blond, food loving, inquisitive and nontraditional, assumes the moniker of Sherlock Holmes to investigate a series of challenging mysteries. With a fascinating cast of supporting characters, this series is a unique twist on Holmes. A Study in Scarlet Women (image above) is the first in the series, and it is helpful but not necessary to read the books in order.

For more information about Sherry Thomas and the Charlotte Holmes series, click on the blue text above to link to Sherry Thomas's webpage.

Leslie S. Klinger & Laurie R. King

Leslie Klinger & Laurie R. King edit occasional collections of short stories based on the Sherlock Holmes canon. Each volume has unique stories in which the authors are given the liberty to explore their own take on Sherlock Holmes: some envisioning Holmes & Watson in different situations; others without Holmes or Watson but still within in "the canon". Three in the series are included below.