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Water Law Resources: Water Rights & Resources: Hein Online


HeinOnline has created a library within their database of Water Resources:

HeinOnline's Water Rights & Resources is dedicated to understanding the complex interplay of state and federal laws that govern all aspects of water in society, from municipal use to restoring its pristine condition. Collecting congressional documents, books, legislative histories on major legislation, and Supreme Court briefs on related cases, this collection touches on a wide range of water issues, including irrigation, hydropower, water conservation, drinking water quality, and tribal water rights, encompassing the unique water rights issues that span from the Eastern seaboard to the Great Lakes and across the arid West. In the wake of a twenty-year megadrought, water, long the most prized resource in the West, has become even more valuable. In 2021, intense debate over how to manage the mighty Colorado River, whose watershed serves seven states and parts of Mexico, reached a critical mass when the federal government declared the first shortage of water on the river. In 2022, tensions between California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Utah grew as the states faced drastic cuts to their water consumption to preserve dwindling reservoir levels, with differences between the states as to who should bear the brunt of the cuts. As the creator of the Grand Canyon falls lower and lower, the 40 million people who all depend on the Colorado River face a dire reckoning and drastic change to their way of life. In the face of so much uncertainty, water rights and how to use our water resources becomes even more vital to understand.

Curated there, users will find access to a variety of different documents & resources related to water rights including (but not limited to):

  • Supreme Court Briefs
  • Legislative Histories
  • Relevant CFR Titles
  • Bibliography of Useful Resources
  • CRS Reports

Access the Water Rights & Resources library through the HeinOnline main page from the Schmid Law Library databases page. Once on the HeinOnline page, scroll down (the page is organized alphabetically by name of library in the databases) and on the right side of the page select "Water Rights & Resources".