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Researching a Seminar Paper: 50 State Surveys

This guide is designed to help you research your seminar paper.

50 State Surveys

50 state surveys can be found in a number of places. In print, you can use Subject Compilations of State Laws (KF240.S795) or National Survey of State Laws (KF386.N38) to find statutory surveys. Both of these resources are available in the print collection and on HeinOnline.  

50 state statutory surveys can also be found in Lexis+ and Westlaw Edge. 50 state regulatory surveys can also be found in both Lexis+ and Westlaw Edge.

In Bloomberg Law, there are two main methods to find 50 state surveys. You can use Bloomberg's State Law Chart Builders, by selecting that option in the "Popular Links" box. Chartbuilders is a highly customizable way to create a 50 state survey.  Alternatively, you can review selected static surveys by selecting selecting "All Legal Content Search" from the "Popular Links" box.  Type "state survey" in the sources box and links to several state-by-state surveys will appear. 

You can also search the library catalog to find a compiled 50 state survey.