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Researching a Seminar Paper: Electronic Resources

This guide is designed to help you research your seminar paper.

Useful Electronic Resources

The Schmid Law Library has many useful resources that you can use to further your research. Some are listed in the boxes below, but you can also search our A-Z list for a full list of our electronic resources. In addition, the University of Nebraska Lincoln Libraries provides over 400 databases that may help you. You can filter by subject to select a relevant database.


Although commonly used to find law review articles during your first year of law school, HeinOnline has a number of other useful libraries that contain material in PDF format.  Other HeinOnline libraries include: agency materials, animal law, foreign/international materials, legislative histories, 50 state surveys, and legal classics.

United States Supreme Court Records and Briefs

Making of Modern Law (MOML)

MOML contains early American and British treatises.  MOML: Foreign Comparative and International Law contains pre-1926 treatises on International Law; Comparative Law; Foreign Law; Roman Law; Islamic Law; Jewish Law; and Ancient Law.

RIA Checkpoint

RIA Checkpoint contains both primary and secondary tax resources, including news and editorial materials.  They also contain WG&L Journals.