The Schmid Law Library has many useful resources that you can use to further your research. Some are listed in the boxes below, but you can also search our A-Z list for a full list of our electronic resources. In addition, the University of Nebraska Lincoln Libraries provides over 400 databases that may help you. You can filter by subject to select a relevant database.
Although commonly used to find law review articles during your first year of law school, HeinOnline has a number of other useful libraries that contain material in PDF format. Other HeinOnline libraries include: agency materials, animal law, foreign/international materials, legislative histories, 50 state surveys, and legal classics.
MOML contains early American and British treatises. MOML: Foreign Comparative and International Law contains pre-1926 treatises on International Law; Comparative Law; Foreign Law; Roman Law; Islamic Law; Jewish Law; and Ancient Law.
RIA Checkpoint contains both primary and secondary tax resources, including news and editorial materials. They also contain WG&L Journals.