When searching for articles in an index, sometimes all you will find is an abstract and a citation for the article. To locate the full-text of the article, there are several tools that you can use:
Sometimes you will locate the citation for an article that is unavailable through any resource at the Schmid Law Library. In these cases, you can still usually get the article. Kris Lauber, Interlibrary Loan librarian, will work with you to determine if the article can be obtained from another library. Kris is located in room 134, our you can email her the following form: Interlibrary Loan Form
Schmid Law Library provides access (both in print and electronically) to a number of journals and periodicals that address foreign and comparative law issues. Examples of comparative law journals include:
As with any topic, the most efficient way to locate journal articles regarding comparative law issues is by using a periodical index. The following resources include periodical index databases:
These resources are all available from the Schmid Law Library "Databases" Web page. HeinOnline includes a section specifically devoted to International and Non-U.S. Law Journals. In addition to this HeinOnline database, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals also focuses on foreign law issues.