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Comparative Law: Treatises & Study Guides

A Couple Tricks for Finding Items in the Library

When looking for comparative law materials in the library, it is often helpful to browse the following call number ranges on the library shelves:

KD – KDK: United Kingdom
KE: Canada
KF: United States
KG: Latin America
KH: South America
KJ – KKZ: Europe
KL – KWX: Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica

A complete outline of the call numbers related to law is available from the Library of Congress Web site:

In addition to call numbers, items in the library are assigned "subject headings." Subject headings are used to indicate the specific content of a given item. All items with similar content are assigned the same subject heading. You can easily find related items by searching the library catalog using the relevant subject heading. The following subject headings are commonly assigned to items that discuss comparative law issues:

“Comparative law”
“Civil law”
“Common Law”
“Roman Law”

Major Comparative Law Treatises

The following resources provide an introduction to the field of comparative law and to various legal systems and their structures. Many of these resources include extensive bibliographies that are useful for locating related materials.