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International Gender Studies: Journal Articles

Finding Journal Articles

There are many different resources available for locating relevant journal articles. Unfortunately no one method or resource is comprehensive. Employ a mix of the following resources and methods when searching for journal articles:

  1. Keyword search in full-text legal periodical databases
  2. Subject search using Index to Legal Periodicals
  3. Subject search using Current Index to Legal Periodicals
  4. Consult subject organized resources
  5. Consult "cross-disciplinary" resources

Keyword Search in Full-Text Legal Periodical Databases

Each of the major legal research databases (Westlaw, Lexis Advance, Bloomberg Law) include large full-text periodical databases. Additionally, there are several other resources that enable full-text searching including: Google Scholar, Law Commons Network, HeinOnline, and SSRN. 

Search Subject Collection Resources

In addition to the general full-text periodical databases listed above, there are a number of databases that are organized around specific topics. Again, in the large legal research databases, you can limit your search to specific topical sub-sets of journals. Additionally, there are several other periodical databases that are organized by subject:

  1. Human Rights Law Commons
  2. Women Commons
  3. Law and Gender Commons
  4. HeinOnline's Law Journal Library.

Within the Law Journal Library select the advanced search option. Then select relevant topics. For example:

  • "women"
  • human rights"
  • "gender" 


Subject Search Using Periodical Indexes

Consult "Multi-Disciplinary" Resources

  1. List of Gender Studies Databases available from UNL Love Library (see especially the EBSCO Gender Studies database)
  2. Academic Search Premier 
  3. JSTOR
  4. Multi-Search for UNL

Gender, Women, and Human Rights Journals